from Japanese mythology KOJIKI
- Contents
Izanagi and Izanami's mythology
001 Prologue
002 Izanagi and Izanami
003 Separation
004 Hades
005 Slope to Hades
006 The Great Three Gods
Amaterasu's mythology
007 Betting
008 Susanoh's Mayhem
009 Omohikane's Plan
010 Amano Hollow
Susanoh's mythology
011 Origin of Grain
012 A Romantic Meeting
013 The Dragon
014 Yakumo
Ohkuninushi's mythology
015 White Rabbit
016 His Brothers' Revenge
017 The Underground World
018 Ordeal
019 His Last Challenge
020 Ohkuninushi
021 Casanova
022 Making A Country
Giving Away
023 Amaterasu's Order
024 Messenger Hohi
025 Messenger Wakahiko
026 Betrayal
027 The Blues
028 Tough-looking God
029 Giving Away
Ninigi and Hoori's mythology
030 The Grand Son
031 Advent
032 Flowery Princess
033 Betting Part 2
034 Hunter And Angler
035 Umisachihiko's Bad Luck
036 Her Nature
037 First Love
Extra edition
038 Tsukuyomi
Book recommended

The Kojiki: An Account of Ancient Matters
Japan's oldest surviving narrative, the eighth-century Kojiki, chronicles the mythical origins of its islands and their ruling dynasty through a diverse array of genealogies, tales, and songs that have helped to shape the modern nation's views of its ancient past.

Kojiki (Princeton Legacy Library)
An earlier translation by Basil Hall Chamberlain published in 1882 is now out of print. This translation relates the translated text to modern scholarship and includes the most recent commentaries. Originally published in 1969.

The Sacred Science of Ancient Japan
The first English translation and examination of secret Japanese writings dating from the paleolithic to classical eras.Examines four suppressed and secret texts to discover the deeper truths beneath Japanese mythology.