Making A Country
- Japanese mythology
- Making A Country
Making A Country
It wasn't too much to say that Ohkuninushi had the relationships with all the beautiful ladies in Japan. Meanwhile, he hasn't started conducting the affairs of the country at all even though it was his main job.

Hum...Now that I married most beauties in Japan, I might as well start ruling the country.

Politics....It sounds annoying to be honest....well...I was already given such a great name so I have to do it....
‘Ohkuninushi' meant an owner of a big country in Japanese.
When he was stuck, he often went to Miho beach in Izumo.
One day while he was looking at the sea vaguely, he found a ship coming from far away. It pulled on the beach, but it still looked small. He realised the reason soon. It was actually a very tiny ship made of a nut, the length of which was about ten centimeters.
A tiny god was in the ship. He was too small to wear ordinary clothes. He was wrapped with a butterfly's feather.

Hello. Who are you?

Ohkuninushi asked, but the tiny god didn't reply. He just kept on looking straight at Ohkuninushi. At least he seemed to understand what he said.

Can't you speak?

He didn't reply. Ohkuninushi became curious.
He asked his servants, but no one knew about this small god. Only the god of flogs suggested that the god of scarecrows, Kuebiko might know him.
Ohkuninushi tried to put the small god on his shoulder. He didn't refuse with it, so they visited Kuebiko together. Kuebiko kindly told them that the small god was Sukuna-bikona, and he was the son of Kamumusubi.

Oh, Mr.Kamumusubi....I don't like the gay that much....but he is also my life saver. OK! I might as well go to the Celestial Plain. I'll thank him and ask about his son!
When they arrived at the palace, they were ushered by the servant. Soon Kamumusubi appeared and said cheerfully.

Wow!! Ohkuninushi! You're here!! I'm on cloud nine! It has been for ages, hasn't it? But I'm totally satisfied with that I've revived you. You are quite handsome and my type!!

Hmm....Not to be rude but, I don't like LGBTs...
He pretended to smile.

Mr.Kamumusubi. Long time no see. I really appreciate what you've done for me. If you haven't been there, I wouldn't be here today.

No! No! My pleasure!
Kamumusubi was in a good mood.

By the way, I came here to ask you another thing. I picked up this small god in Izumo. Is he your son?


Oh! Sukuna-bikona! What a relief! You know he is so small and he fell through my fingers.

Now I can see.

Shall I let him help you ruling the country in return?

What? Does he know about politics?
Though he was distracted by Sukuna-Bikona, he remembered that the main reason why he went to the beach was to think about making the country.

Yes....speaking of which, I was wondering how to rule this country well. I'm very glad if Sukuna-bikona helps me.

Good! I'm glad to help you too. Hey, Sukuna-bikona. You'll go and help Ohkuninushi, OK?

I see.The god will give bless for you.

Wow! You can speak, can't you? You talk in quite a formal way. Why are you talking like that?

Sorry, Ohkuninushi. My boy longs for Jesus Christ.

Ah, I see. I know some Japanese people who have the Rosary as accessories, even though they are Buddhists. And some other people become Christians only in the Christmas season, because they want to get some gifts!
Anyway, it's Japanese mythology and Jesus Christ hasn't been born yet.. I don't want Sukuna-bikona to mess the story...
After Ohkuninushi thanked Kamumusubi, he and Sukuna-bikona went back to Izumo and started making the country. Sukuna-bikona was good at making mountain and hills, though no one had expected that from him. Their plan worked out well and they could build the foundation of the country soon.
One day, Ohkuninushi realised that Sukuna-bikona wasn't on his shoulder. He searched for him, but couldn't find any hints.

Oh,god....Perhaps I crushed him before I knew it...
In the end he found a very tiny letter on the desk. It must be written by Sukuna-bikona. He opened it and read the small words which he could hardly read.
Dear Ohkuninushi
Hi. I'll go to Eden. I've been wanting to go there. Please take care for the rest of the work.
God bless you. Amen.

What the hell!! That bloke took his vacation half way through of the making the country! I think he'll never come back! Plus, we never call it Eden in Japan! It is the Toko-yo!! How can a Japanese ancient god know about the Old Testament? It's quite confusing...

I'm also curious about the paradise located to the east of Japan. Is it Hawaii?
Gaah! If I had more time, I would also go to hideaways with my girls.....or I'll enjoy a luxurious time with the beauties in Eden..Oh! God! I envy him!!
Now that he lost his business partner, he ended up sitting at Miho beach aimlessly.

Sigh...I envy him. I want to take my days off. To be honest, I can't feel motivated just for the sake of the country. I would do my best, if it was for my girls. Hmm...Aren't there any experts of making country available? It's much more convenient to rely on others than to do something by myself.
While he was thinking like that, suddenly the sea started emitting lights. They got close to him gradually. He found a middle aged god in the lights.

Wow! How convenient!! Hi! I'm Ohkuninushi. What's your name?

Good afternoon. I'm Ohmononushi. I presume that you are wondering about making the country.

Woooow! Can you see through everything? I think our names are quite similar and confusing but it doesn't matter if you can help me.

It's because I'm your alter ego. If you enshrine me decently, I'll help you.

What? Is this old guy my alter ego? Mmm....Can I deny it? Maybe not.....Anyway I don't know how to enshrine you because I don't know what you've done so far.

If you don't enshrine me, I'll spoil your work terribly.

Oh...I don't have a choice, do I?

What will you do? Make a decision now.

Well...OK. I'll enshrine you. Which place do you want? And how can I do that?

Mt. Miwa in Yamato is good.

I see. Actually I haven't had any other plans, so let's get started!
Soon after Ohkuninushi enshrined Ohmononushi at Mt.Miwa in Yamato, the land became rich and the trees had a lot of fruits. Izumo became quite prosperous because of the abundance of foods. Then every area in the country gradually became wealthy too.
Thus Ohkuninushi has achieved his wealth, fame and love. However, the gods in the Celestial Plain tried to stop it. Amaterasu, the top of the gods of the Celestial Plain, insisted that she should be the queen of Middle Earth.
Then the dog-eat-dog battle between the gods of the Celestial plain and the gods of Middle Earth had started.
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