Messenger Hohi
- Japanese mythology
- Messenger Hohi
Messenger Hohi
Hohi was quite serious contrary to his laid-back brother. Though he departed swiftly for the sake of his mother, he ended up facing the strong rebellions.

Crowd of demonstrators
Go back to the Celestial Plain!!

Crowd of demonstrators
Yes! Go back!!

Wa..wait a minute! Could you let me through? I have a word for Ohkuninushi.

Crowd of demonstrators
Pissed off!! Pissed off!! Pissed off!!

Oh, no! Please stop it. I have to talk to him!
While he was stuck with the demonstrators, he heard a voice approaching behind.

Ladies and gentlemen!
I'm very glad you are helping me, but could you let in Mr.Hohi? He is a messenger from the Celestial Plain.
The crowd stopped suddenly. Then the leader opened his lips.

Crowd of demonstrators
With all due respect, Mr.Ohkuninushi. This men came here to steal our country!

Well, well.
Apparently the man behind the crowd was Ohkuninushi. His voice was softer than Hohi had expected.
The crowd made room for Hohi.
At the end of the line of gods, there was a man smiling and looking staright at him.

You are...Ohkuninushi...
He heard that Ohkuninushi was a perfect womaniser and was having sex with most beauties in Middle Earth. Though he'd imagined Ohkuninushi must be an arrogant macho man, he actually looked gentle and graceful. Hohi was a bit relieved.

Hi! You must be Hohi. Sorry for all the messes. I've already learned where we stand. So let me show you my palace, first.
Ohkuninushi ushered Hohi to his palace.

OK. He looks much nicer than Mom had said. Perhaps, he'll give up the country smoothly.
When they arrived at the party room, a great feast was ready. Hohi thought something was fishy, because there were a lot of incredibly beautiful girls and they ran to Hohi one after another.

Good evening, Mr! Come on in! Can I sit next to you?

Here you are the serviette! By the way, how do you two relate?

Hey, Mr! You came from the Celestial Plain, didn't you? I'm so impressed. You are a city boy! Do you often go to the trendy restaurants? I want to go there with you!!

Can I order some drinks? This pub's house wine is quite good!! I want to drink it with you!
Hohi was stunned.

Err....this atmosphere is the same as a Japanese night club! They all seem like hostesses.
Oh my god! I was nearly deceived. Ohkuninushi is definitely a womaniser!

Hey, Mr.Ohkuninushi! I didn't come here to do such a thing!
Hohi became red because he hadn't got used to ladies.

Hum? What do you mean? .....Are you talking about my girls? Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't realise because it's ordinary for me.

What the hell is ordinary for you!?
He countered.
Suddenly Ohkuninushi became quiet. He looked depressed.
When one of the girls looked into his face, he just said,

Sorry, ladies. Could you excuse us for a minute?
Then all the girls went out of the room. Hohi found the room was much bigger than he thought.

What's the matter with you? Did I say something wrong?
Ohkuninushi opened his mouth.

I'm sorry for winding you up. You're right. It wasn't ordinary a while ago.

No offence...
Hohi was baffled.

Oddly enough, I was bullied when I was a kid.

Really? I can't believe it. You are now the most competitive and talented in Middle Earth!

No. To be honest, I was killed twice by my brothers. I would have died already if Kamumusubi hadn't supported me.

Oh god...
Hohi didn't expect such a story. He thought Ohkuninushi could get both wealthy and fame just because he was the offspring of Susanoh. (And it was almost correct.)
Ohkuninushi continued.

You know, I had teething problems. I ended up killing my brothers by myself for the sake of the country...but, I've done my work really really hard. I think they could rest in peace if they know everything goes well.

Oh....Sorry. I didn't know that at all. I misunderstood you. I just thought that you are a optimistic shallow man.
Ohkuninushi giggled.

Yes. To some extent it's true. I can't do anything only by myself. But look different than me. You are the very talented god from the Celestial Plain. So if you don't mind...
Ohkuninushi got closed to Hohi and gazed at him.

If you don't mind, please make the country with me!
Hohi was aghast.

Err....but...but I was told to make you give away the country. I wasn't told to make it with you!
Hohi was confused and averted his eyes from Ohkuninushi. Ohkuninushi bowed his head seriously.

Of course, I know the reason why you came here. And I've learned you are very persistent. But I really need a good partner like you to make the country!


I've managed to make the country with a lot of blood, sweat and tears. But if the gods in the Celestial Plain stop me, I have no choice.


I haven't finish making the country! My brothers won't rest in peace if my works are interrupted half way through!! If you kindly help me, I'll offer whatever you want.

I really want to make all the people in my country happy!!
I really need you to achieve it!!
Ohkuninushi bowed politely again and thought.

Ohkuninushi it too much drama? Hohi seems very naive, so I think this kind of persuasion would work.
You may already learned Ohkuninushi's shrewdness. Yes! He never thought about passing over his country. In fact he'd been trying to take in Hohi.
However we can't accuse only him. Amaterasu's whim was out of blue and it was obvious that he couldn't accept it so easily.
When Ohkuninushi raised his head, Hohi was crying.

Gaaah! I can't!! I can't tell you to give up your country!! If you need me, I'll be happy to do you a favor!!

Yes! I feel a little guilty when he believes me in such a innocent way...Oh well.

I got your son, Amaterasu. No hard feelings!
Ohkuninushi sniggered.

Wow! Thank you very much, Mr.Hohi! Let's make a great country together!!
Then Hohi settled in Middle Earth and started making the country with him.
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The Kojiki: An Account of Ancient Matters
Japan's oldest surviving narrative, the eighth-century Kojiki, chronicles the mythical origins of its islands and their ruling dynasty through a diverse array of genealogies, tales, and songs that have helped to shape the modern nation's views of its ancient past.

Kojiki (Princeton Legacy Library)
An earlier translation by Basil Hall Chamberlain published in 1882 is now out of print. This translation relates the translated text to modern scholarship and includes the most recent commentaries. Originally published in 1969.

The Sacred Science of Ancient Japan
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