- Japanese mythology
- Advent
Now that Amaterasu and Omohikane arrived at the Ameno bridge, they were bending down and peeping at the other side of the bridge. There was a man emitting a strong light.

Now that Amaterasu and Omohikane arrived at the Ameno bridge, they were bending down and peeping at the other side of the bridge. There was a man emitting a strong light.

Apparently Omohikane succeeded in forgetting about Oshihomimi.

I heard that people will forget something when they are stressed too much but.....How much on the earth does he love his sister?

Let's ask Uzume to investigate that person. Though she looks vulnerable, she isn't actually. Plus, she has an inexplicable power to make all men drop their guards.

I agree.

Oh,'s OK as long as he looks well...
They went back to their palace, and told Uzume to do a research about the man. Uzume was the goddess who had danced fantastically when they tried to get Amaterasu out of the cave.
Uzume walked to the man briskly. Suddenly the man became restless. He seemed to struggle to avert his eyes from Uzume's bosoms. Amaterasu and Omohikane were watching them from distance looked at each other's faces and did high fives.

Hi, mate! What are you doing here?

Sarutabiko'm..I'm Sarutabiko. I'm one of the gods in Middle Earth. I heard that the grandson of Amaterasu would come I want to show them the way.

OK. So, you aren't a bad guy, are you?

No...No! I'm not a bad guy.

I see. OK. So please wait here for a while. They need a time to prepare.

Yes, yes. Sure.

That's all about him!
Uzume said to Amaterasu cheerfully.

Good. I'm relieved to hear that he doesn't have any bad intentions. It may not be a good idea to keep him waiting for a long time, so let's get ready quickly.
After she heard Uzume's report, she told Omohikane, Uzume, Koyane, Futodama, Tadikarao, and another three gods to go down to Middle Earth with Ninigi. All of them were the gods who had done the crucial roles at Amaterasu's hubbub.
When they got ready, they gathered at the Ameno bridge to see usher Sarutabiko.

It's like a reunion!
Koyane laughed.

Yeah. It brings back memories.
Futodama nodded.

You've grown up mentally, haven't you?
Tadikarao tapped Amaterasu's head.

No way. You are the people that I trust the most. It's all on you.

Yes, madam!
Uzume made a courtesy in a funny way.

And....I give it to you, Ninigi.
Amaterasu brought three things carefully.

What are these?

They are the three sacred treasures. Yata mirror and Yasakani beads, they helped me a lot when I was totally depressed. And this is the sword of Kusanagi. My brother Susanoh received it when he got over his inner problems.
Please hang Yata mirror carefully as if it was me.
Ninigi felt responsible when he got the three sacred treasures.

Thank you. I'm honored.

I believe you, Ninigi. Because you are my grandson!

Yes, Madam Ama!
Amaterasu was delighted with Ninigi's innocent smile. She was also convinced that they could make a great country which would make Ohkuninushi satisfied.
And then Amaterasu talked to Omohikane. He has been her best confidant since the time she was hiding in the cave.

So...please take care of Ninigi.

Amaterasu, thank you for letting me go with him.

My pleasure. We're on track now here, so please support him in Middle Earth. Thank you for everything.

Don't mention it. Thank you, too...

But don't forget to organise your room even when I'm not here.

No way!
As she took the gee, all of them bursted out laughing.
But after the laughter, no one knew what to say. It was so quiet.
Amaterasu added in a hurry.

Well...So...Take care. Have a nice journey.
She waved her hand.

Yes! Good bye, Madam Ama.
After Ninigi waved back to her, all of them followed Sarutabiko and left for Middle Earth.
Amaterasu was watching them becoming smaller bit by bit. Though she wanted to keep her dignity as the authority, she waved her hand for a long time before she could realise it. She was leaning forward to see them clearly and almost falling from the bridge. Her servant caught her dress in a haste. She didn't care about her servant and said loudly.

I'll watch over you! I'll watch over you, your kids, your grandkids, your offspring, your people, your country and....

Thanks! I'm glad to hear that!
Ninigi waved back widely again.
When they'd gone out of Amaterasu's sight, she dropped tears and just looked at the direction they went.

...........................No. I'll never cry.
Thus their story in Middle Earth started.
They went through thick clouds. The place where they first arrived in Middle Earth was Takachiho in Hyuga. Amenooshihi and Amatsukume caught them up soon, and passed an arrow, a box for the arrow and a sword to Ninigi. They said they were also the gifts from Amaterasu.
Amaterasu sounded like an old woman who sends off her grandkid to a big city and gives a huge amount of presents. They all laughed imagining Amaterasu like an old woman.
Ninigi was delighted when he first saw the landscapes from Takachiho.

From here, we can see the neighboring country, Korea. We have the straight way leading to the main island of Japan. We can see the sun rises, and we can also see the sun sets clearly. It must be the best place to start. It must be the best place for Madam Ama to watch us.
Omohikane felt comfortable as well.

Yes...In fact, She gets lonely easily. So she will be glad if we launch at such a distinct place.

I agree. It's good for start. Let's build the new palace here.
They built a palace with tall columns to be found easily from the Celestial Plain.
This is the beginning of the life of Ninigi in Middle Earth.
Book recommended

The Kojiki: An Account of Ancient Matters
Japan's oldest surviving narrative, the eighth-century Kojiki, chronicles the mythical origins of its islands and their ruling dynasty through a diverse array of genealogies, tales, and songs that have helped to shape the modern nation's views of its ancient past.

Kojiki (Princeton Legacy Library)
An earlier translation by Basil Hall Chamberlain published in 1882 is now out of print. This translation relates the translated text to modern scholarship and includes the most recent commentaries. Originally published in 1969.

The Sacred Science of Ancient Japan
The first English translation and examination of secret Japanese writings dating from the paleolithic to classical eras.Examines four suppressed and secret texts to discover the deeper truths beneath Japanese mythology.