Tough-looking God
- Japanese mythology
- Tough-looking God
Tough-looking God
Ohkuninushi was on his way to Inasa beach to receive the next messenger from the Celestial Plain. He looked strained unlike usually. He knew that this time Amaterasu was quite serious. She sent the next messenger much more quickly than before. Only a few weeks had passed after Wakahiko died.

She failed to get Middle Earth back three times...or four times if I include the bird messenger. And then Wakahiko's death. It is no wonder why she might use her force next time.
When he arrived at the beach, he found a huge ship going through the sky from the direction of the Celestial Plain.

Wow! That's so cool!! It looks like a space ship in STAR WARS! men will freak out when they see this...
He couldn't understand what the ship is trying to do. Will they attack Middle Earth? Or did they just come to negotiate again? He felt nervous.
When the ship stopped at the beach, they all became wired. However, the ship didn't attack them. Instead, Takamikazuchi jumped off the ship like a ton of bricks without using a ladder. He glared at Ohkuninushi.

Ohkuninushi pretended to smile.

Good morning, Mr.Takemikazuchi. I'm glad to see you. Shall I show you around Izumo?
Takemikazuchi didn't reply. On the contrary, he took his sword out and put it straight on the beach. The apex of the sword was pointing the sky.

Oh? What are you doing?
Ohkuninushi was confused. In fact Takemikazuchi sat on the apex of the sword with his legs crossed.

Oww...It seems hurtful...Is he a member of the Chinsese Acrobats?
Takemikazuchi looked down Ohkuninushi and said coercively.

Today, I came here to have a word with you. I was asked by Madam Amaterasu and Mr.Takagi. Madam Amaterasu thinks that not you but her son should be the emperor of Middle Earth. What are you thinking about it?

Oh...He looks like a chav...I don't like this type.

Well...You are quite straightforward, aren't you?

A space ship and a strong god of thunder....he hasn't attacked us yet, but it may be the matter of time...I need some time to talk into this guy.

I asked what are you thinking about!!?

Well...I really want to answer your question, but actually I've already retired and left the affairs of the country to my son, Kotoshiro. I'm sorry I can't answer instead of him.

Then, get Kotoshiro.

Well...he is quite busy to catch birds and fish. He has gone to the middle of nowhere. Could you wait for a while? We can have a nice cup of sake together until he comes back.

Hum! Cunning man! I'll never go to Izumo. Hey! Torifune!
He told Torifune to search for Kotoshiro.

Are you going to look for him all over this huge sea? Well...I don't think it's easy....

You'll see.

Since Torifune went away at once, Ohkuninushi had no choice, but just waiting in an awkward situation.

Takamikazuchi.....I need more information about him. Does he like women, or money, or authorities ...or nothing? I'm not good at all-muscle-and-no-brain type! ......Like my great great grand father.
He tried to talk with Takemikazuchi to extract some information, but he was ignored. To make matters worse, Kotoshiwo was caught soon. He was hooked at the metal pole on the deck of Torifune's ship. He was almost crying.

Owww!! Dad!! What's going on!?
Ohkuninushi smiled, but Kotoshiro knew that it was fake. He looked irritated. Kotoshiro thought about the aftermath and cringed.

Hi, Kotoshiro. I'm relieved they could find you so soon. This is Mr.Takemikazuchi from the Celestial Plain. He bothered to come here to talk with you about the country.

...Oh! Hi! What do you want, Mr.Takemikazuchi?

Yep. You know, this country is now ruled by your family. But I think it is better to be ruled by gods from the Celestial Plain. Don't you think so? If you agree with me, why not giving back the country to us?

Well....I'm not...sure. Perhaps the procedure is quite complicated and...
Kotoshiro looked into Takemikazuchi's eye sheepishly, and ended up realising that he was quite scary-looking. Kotoshiro should have known that.
Takemikazuchi glared at Kotoshiro and repeated in a low voice.

Why don't you give it back to us?

Yes! Sure! Why not?The son of Amaterasu must be reliable! Hey, Dad! Don't you think so too?

What the hell! I didn't know my son is soooo weak!
Ohkuninushi was aghast. But he still had to control himself. If he did something wrong, the war would be started.

Oh...quite so...

Good! I've got to go now!
Kotoshiro ran away to the hedges. He must be so frightened.

That's the deal.
Takemikazuchi said.


Now what?

I said that my son is ruling the conutry now, but in fact I have two sons. Both of them are in charge. I have to ask another son Takeminakata. Oh. His name and your name are quite similar. I think you two will get along well with...

...OK. Where is he?

He's coming.
Just when Ohkuninushi smiled at Takemikazuchi, they heard the earth rumbling sound from the direction of Izumo. Takeminakata was running towards them. Funnily enough, he was holding a gigantic rock which looked like it needed one thousand men to be carried.

Hey, Dad! Hasn't the guest come yet?
When he arrived at the beach, he threw the rock away as if it was as light as a feather. Rumbling sounds echoed again.

Good timing! This is my son, Takeminakata.
Ohkuninushi made an impeccable fake smile.
Book recommended

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Japan's oldest surviving narrative, the eighth-century Kojiki, chronicles the mythical origins of its islands and their ruling dynasty through a diverse array of genealogies, tales, and songs that have helped to shape the modern nation's views of its ancient past.

Kojiki (Princeton Legacy Library)
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