Messenger Wakahiko
- Japanese mythology
- Messenger Wakahiko
Messenger Wakahiko
Three years passed after Hohi was sent to Izumo. Though Amaterasu had been waiting to hear from Hohi for a long time, she didn't receive any news from him. In fact, Izumo looked wealthier than before.
Some people said that they had seen Hohi in Izumo following Ohkuninushi obediently. Amaterasu was appalled.

What is he doing? Is he just licking up and supporting Ohkuninushi?
Amaterasu became more frustrated.

Gaah! What's going on!? Hey, Omohikane! Explain it!

What?? Me??
Omohikane was stuck again. Amaterasu glared at him like a demon.

Are there any other Omohikanes?

Err...well...perhaps Hohi liked Izumo and settled there. I agree that Izumo is a good place to live.

I don't want to hear such a thing!
She didn't aim just at Izumo. Her goal was whole Middle Earth.

So please tell me what should we do next?
She gabbled grumpily.

It's not good...I have to soothe her.
As he felt he is in physical danger, he struggled to come up with the next idea.

Omohikane about Wakahiko?

Aren't you saying this without thinking seriously?

No kidding! Though he isn't your son, he is ambitious and competitive. He is audacious too compared to Hohi. I think he fits the bill.

I see....OK. Let's do it!

Wakahiko! Wakahiko! Are you here?
A young man who seemed to be faithful came into the room.
When he learned about their situation, he agreed to go to Izumo and said,

It's my pleasure.
Amaterasu gave him a miracle arrow and a miracle bow with which anyone could kill a big deer. Though she trusted him, she did so just in case that his negotiation didn't work well. Wakahiko sat up straight when he saw the arrow and the bow.
When he arrived at Izumo, Ohkuninushi had already come to pick him up.
Ohkuninushi welcomed him warmly.

Isn't he too kind? What's the trick?
Wakahiko was alarmed.
The great feast was ready in one of the cosy guest rooms.
It looked like a room of high-class restaurants which politicians went when they had secret meetings. Wakahiko was alarmed more.

It's quite gorgeous.

Sorry, this room is small, isn't it? But I'm glad you like it.

Don't bother.

Actually I welcomed Hohi with many beautiful girls in the big room. However, he didn't seem to like it. He seemed to be put off a bit.

Haha. I know what you mean. It's so like Hohi.
He imagined Hohi turning red among the beauties.

Then today I prepared such a private dinner, but it's too simple, isn't it? I think we need someone who serves. Can I call in my daughter?

Yes, of course.

I'm relieved to hear that. So...

Shitateru! Shitateru! Please bring a bottle of sake for Mr.Wakahiko!
Sure! I'm coming!
He heard a lovely voice from the next room.
Then a flowery lady came into the room with some glasses. Wakahiko couldn't avert his eyes from her.
He hadn't seen such a beautiful lady before. Ohkuninushi sniggered.

Whoa! You shouldn't have sent such a young man, Amaterasu. He was conquered at once! You can't beat me!

Shitateru, give a glass to Wakahiko.

Sure. Here you are.
Wakahiko trembled from being nervous.

Tha...Thanks a lo....Oops!!

Oh! I'm sorry. I dropped it. I'll wipe it out at once.

No, please. Please don't bother.
Wakahiko looked panicked. Ohkuninushi chuckled and made the next move.

Oh my god! I'm totally sorry. Shitateru is quite clumsy.

No. No. It's my fault. I dropped it.

Oh...You're very caring to say so. To be honest I've been thinking about marring her off, but I'm afraid that she would be refused unless the future husband is generous. I haven't decided yet which guy is good for her.

No kidding. Who would refuse such a beautiful lady?

Do you think so? I hope a gentleman like you could marry her.
Wakahiko happened to blast out his drink to Ohkuninushi. Ohkuninushi was drenched.

Pardon? Me?

If it's not inconvenience for you.
Ohkuninushi answered while he was wiping his face with a serviette.

Not at all! I think everyone is eager to marry your daughter!

Oh? Did you become to fancy her?

Why not? But is it OK for Miss Shitateru? Will you marry me?

Yes! Thank you. I'm very happy.
Though Ohkuninushi didn't explain his plan to Shitateru, she seemed to like Wakahiko spontaneously.

Blimey! I haven't expected such a happy story! I have better be off preparing for the wedding party straight away!
Ohkuninushi said without any expressions, but Wakahiko didn't notice and was very happy being with Shitateru. Then they had a gorgeous wedding ceremony the next day. It meant that Ohkuninushi succeeded in taking in the messenger again.
After that, Wakahiko and Shitateru lived happily with their kids in Izumo. Nevertheless Wakahiko couldn't forget the fear he had of the Celestial Plain. He thought that Amaterasu would send a next messenger in the future. She already failed to get Middle Earth at least three times, so maybe next time, she might use her force.
However they didn't have enough military power to go into the battle with the Celestial Plain. Ohkuninushi should be the general, but he wasn't cut out for wars. His sons weren't either.

It'll be my role in case of the war....
He started wanting to rule Middle Earth by himself.
Though he felt a little guilty that he consequently betrayed Amaterasu, he really loved his life and his family in Izumo.
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