Hunter And Angler
- Japanese mythology
- Hunter And Angler
Hunter And Angler
The three sons of Ninigi and Sakuya, Hoderi, Hosuseri, and Hohri grew up well. As the eldest son Hoderi was good at fishing, he was called Umi-sachihiko which meant angler. As the youngest son Hohri was good at hunting, he was called Yama-sachihiko which meant hunter. By the way, there were no more information about the second son Hosuseri.
One day, Yama-sachihiko was looking at his brother's fishing tools enviously.

Hey, brother. I want to try fishing. Will you lend me your tools?

It wasn't the first time for Yama-sachihiko asking that. Actually it was fourth time.
Though Hohri was a really good hunter and people started calling him Yama-sachihiko before he knew it, he also liked the sea.

Oh...Come on. Please. Lend it to me.

No. They are my important tools.

Pleeeease. Brother, you won't lose anything. It's just one time! I promise!

Umi-sachihiko was fed up with his brother's persistence.

Yama-sachihiko put his hands together like praying.

Sigh...OK. You can use them. But remember, it's only for today. So I'll go hunting now. Pass me your tools.

Yeah!! Thanks, brother!
Then Yama-sachihiko went on his first fishing adventure cheerfully.
However, he couldn't catch any fish.

Sigh...It's getting dark...hum..perhaps it doesn't work because I use other's tools. I've got to go now...
Just when he gave up, he found his fishing rod was pulled.

Wow! Something is pulling the rod! Isn't it fish? Yeah!!

Mmmmmm!! It's heavy! It must be quite a big fish!!
He pulled the rod with his maximum strength so he doesn't lose the fish.
Then suddenly the line was cut with a blast sound.

Oh!!! No!! ....I've lost the rod...Was it hooked on a rock or something? What the hell!! Brother must get extremely angry...
He went pale. At the same time, he heard his brother's voice from behind.

Hey! What's up, Yama-sachihiko?
Yama-sachihiko cringed in fear.

You know, I couldn't hunt anything. But it seems the same thing happened to you. Apparently you are the hunter, and I am the angler, as they say. Hey, give them back to me...


Yama-sachihiko was scolded as terribly as he had imagined. Though he was apologised again and again and again, Umi-sachihiko didn't forgive him. He scrapped his sword and made five hundred hooks from it, but Umisashihiko didn't forgive him. Then he made another one thousand hooks, but Umisashihiko didn't change his mind. He said,

I really liked that hook. Nothing can compare with that hook.
Yama-sachihiko was at a loss and sighed deeply at the beach. He knew it was his fault but he also thought that his brother wasn't mature as well.

The hook might be somewhere in the sea.....No way. It's impossible to find it.
He can't help himself dropping tears. He was in a rut. While he was sobbing alone, someone got close to him and said,

What happened to you?
Apparently he looked desperate.

I just came to this beach and found you depressed. I couldn't ignore you.
The man added kindly. His name was Shiotuchi, and he was a god of tide.
Yama-sachihiko told his story.

I see. Perhaps I can help you. I'll weave bamboo strings and make a submarine boat. You can get in the boat.

OK. Then?

I'll control the marine tide and send you to the undersea palace of Wadatsumi. You'll get there by dawn.

Wadatsumi is the god of the sea who was Izanagi and Izanami's son, isn't he? I think he'll help me.

I think so too. But it's without an appointment. You can peek inside the palace from a big katsura tree. If you can find Wadatsumi's daughter, it would be good to talk to her first.

I got it. Thank you.
Yama-sachihiko rode on the boat made by Shiotsuchi. After Shiotsuchi sent the boat to the bottom of the sea, he disappeared like a fog.
It took forever. Yama-sachihiko felt the confortable move of tide and dozed off.
When he was awake, the gorgeous undersea city was spreading just in front of him. Many houses were overlapping like fish scales.
The big palace in the center must be Wadatsumi's house. There was a big katsura tree alongside the palace as Shiotuchi had said.
Yama-sachihiko climbed up the tree and looked inside. There was a fountain in the palace. Behind the fountain, there was a small room with a pretty blind which he would never choose for his own room. It looked like a girl's room. After he waited for a little while, a woman came to the fountain to get some water.

She must be a maid, but I want to meet Wadatsumi's daughter.
When he leaned forward, the surface of the fountain started dazzling. The maid was surprised and looked around.

Who's there!?

Oh...was I found?

Err....well.....I'm not a suspicious person....and...I'm thirsty. Could you give me some water?
Yamasatichihiko made a bad excuse.

.............Yes....Here you are....
Though the maid was still doubting him, she passed him the vase just because he was her type.

He smiled and received the vase. Then he put a bead of his necklace into his mouth and spitted it into the vase.

All I can do is such a thing like a trick. I think it's enough if they find that someone unordinary came here.........

........Hey, thanks.
Then he gave the vase back to the maid without drinking the water.

The maid casted wondering eyes on him.

Why didn't he drink water? Or rather, what is the bead he spitted into the vase? I have to carry this vase to the princess, but is it alright? Is it rude if I throw the water away and pick another vase of water from the fountain in front of him?
She was wondering and tried to pick up the bead from the bottom of the vase. However, the bead was attached strongly. She couldn't get rid of it. When she was confused and looked up Yama-sachihiko, he looked confident. He grinned.


What!? Why is he grinning!? What does he want!?
She thought she couldn't solve the problem only by herself. She went back to the room and showed the vase to Wadatsumi's daughter.

Oh...Dear...What should I do? Please look at the vase.

What's the bead? Are there any other people outside?

Yes. A strange man was looking at us from the tree...I admit he's handsome...He said he wanted some water, but he didn't drink it and just spit this bead into the vase. Moreover, he looked confident. I couldn't get rid of the bead and......sorry. I don't know what to do.

A strange handsome guy whose bead from his mouth is attached to the vase? As you said, it is completely attached to it but....I can't find his purpose either!
......OK. I have better see him.

Thank you. Your Highness.
Yama-sachihiko waited lying on the tree.
A little while later, he found a young woman wearing a beautiful dress walking in a ladylike manner. She must be Wadatsumi's daughter as he imagined from her dress.

She is soooo beautiful!!
He was conquered instantly. The woman also realised his presence. They were looking at each other for a while.


Look at her eyes! She obviously likes me! Is it a destiny? Oh! It must be the destiny!
Just when he opened his lips, she said. She looked a bit spaced-out.

You are.....the strange handsome guy...whose bead from the mouth is attached to the vase?

Err...It's not an ideal explanation...but yes. And I'm glad she said I'm handsome at least.


Haha...anyway. I came here to talk to Mr.Wadatsumi. Are you his daughter?

Yes. I'm Toyotama. How can I help you?

I want to marry you!!
He totally forgot his initial purpose.

Yes! Why not?
Wadatsumi was called by Toyotama. When Yama-sachihiko met him, he remarked Toyotama's beauty enthusiastically and asked Wadatsumi to marry her off.

You are Ninigi's son, Hohri aren't you?
Wadatsumi realised his profile immediately and invited him to his home.
Then Wadatsumi prepared carpets of eight layers made of deerskin and eight-layered white linens. He let Yama-sachihiko sit on those carpets. Moreover, he offered many gifts and feasts on one hundred tables and organised the wedding ceremony of Yama-sachihiko and Toyotama.

Then....Enjoy your honeymoon!
After the ceremony, Wadatsumi just said it and went out of the room with his maids and servants. Only Yama-sachihiko and Toyotama were left there.

When Yama-sachihiko came back to himself, he was sitting on the fluffy carpet with Toyotama. The light wasn't too bright and a bit strange colour.

Oh...What on the earth is Dad thinking?

No! I'll never be turned on during the day like Ohkuninushi!

Well, well. Be my guest!

Oh! Don't peek at us!! Man!!
Thus Yama-sachihiko succeeded in being accepted by Wadatsumi and started his new life with Toyotama at the undersea palace.
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Japan's oldest surviving narrative, the eighth-century Kojiki, chronicles the mythical origins of its islands and their ruling dynasty through a diverse array of genealogies, tales, and songs that have helped to shape the modern nation's views of its ancient past.

Kojiki (Princeton Legacy Library)
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